City of Oneonta recently issued the following announcement.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
All Day
1. Invocation
2. Consider Approving Minutes of July 14, 2020 Council Meeting
3. Consider Approving Resolution No. 2020-28-7pw; Appointing Poll Workers
For Oneonta Municipal Election
4. Consider Approving Resolution for Officer Elected Without Opposition for
Oneonta City School Board Place #1
5. Consider Approving Certificate of Election for Candidate Donald Maples
Oneonta City School Board Place #1
6. Consider Approving Resolution for Officer Elected Without Opposition for
Oneonta City School Board Place #3
7. Consider Approving Certificate of Election for Candidate Ricky Hicks
Oneonta City School Board Place #3
8. Consider Approving Resolution for Officer Elected Without Opposition for
Oneonta City School Board Place #5
9. Consider Approving Certificate of Election for Candidate Sharon Breaseale
Oneonta City School Place #5
10. Consider Approving Deed to Undeveloped Proposed Road in Industrial Park
11. Chamber of Commerce
12. Oneonta Business Association
13. Beautification Board
14. Ed Lowe’s Report
Original source can be found here.