2023 Marion County 4-H Round-Up | Marion County Alabama 4-H
2023 Marion County 4-H Round-Up | Marion County Alabama 4-H
2023 Marion County 4-H Round-Up is March 17th! Are you ready?Chef 4-H and Bake Off will be March 14th. Competitions will begin at 5pm at the Marion County Extension Office: 372 7th Avenue SW Hamilton, AL 35570
Bake Off and Chef 4-H Participants: just show up to the Extension Office and we will direct you to your event location. Chef 4-H participants will compete 1 at a time in the Extension Kitchen 4-H and Bake Off participants will have tables ready for youth to set up their entry. Judges will begin judging at 5pm. Youth may bring their own table for Bake Off-preferred. Questions? (205)546-0215 rgd0007@aces.edu
Rules for each project can be found here: https://www.aces.edu/blog/tag/competitive-events/...
Original source can be found here.