Special Weather Statement issued June 29 at 5:41PM CDT by NWS: ...Strong thunderstorms will impact portions of northwestern Tuscaloosa, northern Pickens, Fayette and Lamar Counties through 645 PM CDT... At 540 PM CDT, Doppler radar was tracking strong thunderstorms along a line extending from 6 miles north of Bankhead Lock And Dam to 6 miles north of Bigbee Valley. Movement was northwest at 25 mph. https://bit.ly/3Ny09Xf
Source: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02VDhmTWFWSSAVKhCstXEa3XW7mBtkSwFZw3THBF1SrASQsffRDSeUo4ZFjgCHPtfwl&id=101061999214152